• During the first months of life, don’t put rigid shoes on your child. Barefoot provides better conditions for a more natural development.
• You should never force your child to walk without him or her being properly prepared for it.
• When starting the first steps the child should wear flexible shoes allowing feet to breathe. You should not over tighten his or her shoes; it is better to wear shoes with zippers or Velcro fastenings.
• It is highly important that the length of the shoe does not exceed the big toe about 1 cm. The shoes should be replaced every 3 months or 6 months depending on the child’s growth stage.
• Choose simple shoes that allow foot and especially ankle’s mobility.
• Physical activity helps to the foot strengthening and development.
• Do not be alarmed, unless there are very obvious pathologies, on the emergence of flat feet during the first year of walking, as the foot is not yet fully developed.
• If at the age of three major alterations appear or persist, do not hesitate to consult your podiatrist to find out if your child is within the normal development parameters.
• Remember that foot prevention, surveillance and treatment will prevent future knee, hip and spine pathologies. If the child has symptoms consistent with problems presented by his or her parents, we can make an early assessment of possible genetic structural alterations in order to elaborate a correction plan.
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